Offres de recrutement

- Ingénieur pédagogique

- Ingénieur de recherche en modélisation/machine learning
Research engineer in modelling/machine learning


Offre de post-doctorat :

- Ingénieur pédagogique

- Multimodal imaging to decipher bacteria-microalgae interactions in multispecies photosynthetic biofilms

- Water treatment by microalgae


Sujets de thèse :

- Doctoral fellowship: Modelling astaxanthin production in Biofilm-based systems

- Theoretical investigation of quantum collisions involving electron, atom and molecules: Applications ranging from nitrogen molecules to pharmaceutical ingredients
- Maîtriser et modéliser la croissance d’une levure biotechnologique à partir de milieux issus de déchets organiques
- Etude du traitement d’échantillons des expériences Drams et Emili et de son impact sur les résultats d’analyse de la matière organique par la chaine analytique (pyr-gc-ms) embarquée respectivement à bord des deux missions Nasa : Dragonfly et Europa Lander

- Electron-driven reactivity of greenhouse gas molecules by electron impact: the NO2/CO2 prototype for control and reduction of atmospheric pollution.
- Exploring the effect of intermittent light on microalgae growth and pigment profile: experiments and modeling.


Master :

 - Controlling biofilm development in a new generation of photobioreactors for microalgae production

Stages :


- Training in educational tools: Development of a toolkit for teaching quantum mechanics
- Study of dynamics and high-value compounds production in microalgal biofilms under pulsed light

- Development of a fed-batch Bioreactor protocol for the efficient propagation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for wine making application
- Développement d’une interface graphique pour l’enseignement de la physique quantique


- Training in educational tools: Development of a toolkit for teaching quantum mechanics


- Training in data calculations for environmental applications: Databases on atomic and molecular reactions: Quantemol EC
- Training in data calculations for environmental applications: calculation of the rotational and vibrational cross sections for plasma modelling
- Training in data calculations for environmental applications: Cross sections for excitation and ionization of NOx molecules by electron impact for control and reduction of atmospheric pollution by NO2/N2O